Tuesday, May 10, 2022

BBC Taps “Sex Education” Star As New Doctor

Dr. Who is a lot like tequila. People who don’t like can’t fathom how someone could enjoy it and people who love it can’t shut the fuck up about it. Whatever the case may be, the show has been on since 1963. So they’re doing something right. 

For those who don’t know, the show is about a time traveling alien that recruits humans to carry out justice throughout human and non-human history and future. And present I suppose. The main character, The Doctor, has regenerative properties that forces the showrunners to change lead actors every three seasons or so. 

Dr. Who ran from 1963-1988 and then was resurrected in 2005 to present day. I don’t often admit it but it’s my favorite TV show. I watch a lot of shows, I mean like a fuck ton. I don’t enjoy rewatching shows because I think there’s so much out there. I’ve rewatched Dr. Who three times. It’s not an easy crush either. We’re talking over 140 hours in 13 seasons. I know, I know… but I can’t help it. 

That being said, I understand why people wouldn’t like the show. Some of the big bad villains are from the 1960’s and could come off silly if you don’t have the imagination for it. I don’t even recommend it to friends because I know they’ll flame me for it.

I think to combat that kind of opinion of the show, the showrunners have gone off the path that has worked since 2005. It lost it’s whimsical, goofy charm. The show RARELY goes off-world which were often the most creative episodes, and the new human companions are too serious. And the ratings have paid the price. At it’s height in 2009, Dr. Who reported an average of 10.70 million viewers. The current season is sitting at an average of 3.93 million viewers. 

Which is a shame because I really like the current actress Jodie Whittaker and feel like she’s getting a bad rap for her portrayal. I don’t blame Jodie for the failure of the 13th Doctor. I feel like it’s more the direction of the show that’s bringing ratings down. But just because I like Whittaker doesn’t mean the show hasn’t been shit. 

But boy oh fucking boy are we back. The first massive piece of good news that us Whovians (An embarrassing admission of the fan base’s name) received was that former showrunner Russel T. Davies will be back at the helm. RTD has averaged the highest amount of viewers during his run from 2005-2011. Davies is responsible for resurrecting the show, creating the consensus favorite: David Tenant’s Doctor, and the companion who stole all of our hearts, Rose Tyler. 

At the beginning of a Doctor’s third season, fans start to speculate who will take on the role. I was checking weekly to see if there were new rumors like it was off-season free agent moves. There were where whispers for years that the show wanted a black Doctor and even rumored Idris Elba. Then with the reintroduction of RTD people were calling for an LGBTQ Doctor with his resume of shows like “Queer As Folk” and “It’s A Sin”, which many speculated could tap breakout star Olly Alexander. Well, on the BAFTA Awards’ red carpet this past weekend, Russell T Davies announced they will be doing both*. 

Ncuti fucking Gatwa. A perfect fit. The Rwandan-Scottish actor who’s most famously known for his role as Eric Effiong in “Sex Education”. Gatwa steals every single scene he’s in. Hilarious banter, effortless vulnerability, refreshingly original, and all the sass in the world. To say fans are over the moon would be an understatement. With each new Doctor comes a new catch line, new TARDIS (spaceship) redesign, and new wardrobe that the character will use for their entire run. I won’t say “slay” because it won’t come out right, but Ncuti is going to fucking kill it. 

I couldn’t be happier. Well I could, I’ll always hold on to the pipe dream of a Michael Sheen Doctor but that’s besides the point. There was no indication that Gatwa was even in the running. Its such a pleasantly welcome surprise. Like when your team has been fucking up the draft for years that you don’t expect much out of them and then they take the guy who’s regarded as a projected first ballot HOFer. Ncuti and Davies are going to give this series the facelift that it desperately needs to get back on top. 

*Ncuti Gatwa has never confirmed his sexuality preference and I just assumed it because of his portrayal of Eric in Sex Education. That’s my bad, but jury’s still out.

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