Thursday, March 31, 2022

Did Everyone Know The Flash Actor Ezra Miller Was A Psycho?

Ezra Miller has had the cops called on him 10 times in the last month in Hawaii. With his craziest stunt yet being threatening the Bed and Breakfast couple he was staying with, but we’ll get to that. The countdown has officially begun to a mental health/drug addiction notes app apology. People aren’t too keen to having their super heroes arrested. Since DC and they’re a bit more dark, they’re dragging their feet. But this shit would not fly with Marvel.

Maybe Ezra’s a method actor. His personality sure comes off as someone who was looked over as a non-threat who’s actually capable of terrible things. Like The Flash. Or the orphan wizard that he plays in Fantastic Beasts that nearly destroys NYC. Or that time he played a school shooter in We Need To Talk About Kevin. Sensing a pattern here? His reality seems to be clashing with his characters. Characters that don’t face real life consequences. 

In a sense he’s right. Ezra Miller doesn’t play by the same rules as most of us. Take his relationship approach for example. After dating the likes of Shailene Woodley and Zoe Kravitz (Catwoman), Ezra didn’t find that quite fulfilling enough. He now dates a group of people, men and women, which he refers to as his “polycule”. After forming a connection with a new person, he admits them into his polycule and by default, everyone else he’s dating is now also dating the newly indoctrined member. I think? Here’s what he told Playboy about it, “And then they are in the squad- the polycule. And I know they’re going to love everyone else in the polycule because we’re in the polycule, and we love each other so much.” Who here can pull off dating forty or fifty or whatever number it is at once? Like I said, different set of rules. 

But I’ll tell you what rules he would abide by. 

As mentioned before, Ezra Miller has been having his way with Hawaii. Arguing with random people in public, filming people at gas stations, fucking with dudes playing darts, ripping microphones out of the hands of people singing at karaoke bars. Basically being a spoiled brat who thinks he can do whatever he wants.

It’s now surfaced that a couple in Hilo has filed a restraining order against Ezra Miller after he threatened the couple and stole their belongings. Apparently while staying in their Bed & Breakfast, Miller burst into their bedroom, taking their passports and wallets while telling the husband, “I will bury you and your slut wife.” 

I’m telling you right now….

I would bitch slap this motherfucker. From what I can gather on the internet, Ezra Miller is is 165 lbs. I would pick this little shit up by his ankles and keep him dangling in the air just so he could fully grasp just how little of a man he is. I’d walk to my phone with him still dangling and call the police. When the cops show up, I’d present him by the ankle like I’d caught a prized fish, while his face is beat red from the blood rush and constantly screaming shit like “Put me down this instant!”

I don’t give a fuck who he is or what he’s going through. You don’t get an entire life pass to do and say whatever you’re feeling every second of every day. I mean, he choked a female fan in Iceland for Christ sakes. No one is above being punched in the face. What Ezra Miller needs is to get his face smushed in the dirt. 

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