Wednesday, February 2, 2022

I’m Sorry, But Luke Skywalker’s A Dumbass

LeBron James is second only to Luke Skywalker as a “Chosen One” to be given a pass by the general public. The man is hypocritical, short-sided, and quite frankly, a dumbass. This latest Book Of Boba episode proves it. 

* Spoilers for The Book Of Boba Fett Chapter 6

From the Rey triology we’re made aware that Luke started training the next generation Jedi in an academy that ultimately ended in a massive failure. From the newest BoB episode, we learn that he fucked up from the very first student. 

In the prequel season, Order 66 orchestrated by Palpatine and carried out by the clones and Anakin took out most of the remaining Jedi. But how did we get there? 

I propose that it’s the Jedi Counsel’s fault. Their inability to adapt their antiquated rules led to Anakin becoming Vader. Sure, Palpatine used his grief over his mother and mostly his love for Padme to turn him. But he only offered him an alternative to the Jedi’s stupid rule. An alternative to love who he pleases. Since the Jedi Counsel bans any outside love or attachment, Palpatine found a crack. The Counsel was incapable of allowing their Jedi a life outside of their order and it led to their downfall. If they simply allowed Anakin a life as a Jedi with Padme, Sidious wouldn’t have had any leverage. 

Which brings us to Luke. A life without love and attachment was easy for the young Padawan since the only family he’d known got clapped on Tattooine. At first. But Luke grew into the picture perfect Jedi. Which surely means he had no outside love or attachment, right? What about Leia? What about Han? What about his love for Vader? Luke explicitly tells Yoda “I can’t kill my own father.” 

In that final battle between Luke and Vader, Luke says three times that he won’t fight him. It isn’t until Vader learns of his twin sister and threatens to turn her to the dark side that Luke is able to defeat him. To which Palpatine says, “Good your hate has made you powerful.” But we know he doesn’t hate Vader because he’s unable to bring himself to kill him. It was his love for Leia that made him powerful. 

And how about Vader? As we see Sidious lightning fucking Luke to hell as he screams out “Father please!”, what turns him back from the dark side? Oh that’s right, his love and attachment to his own son forces his remaining hand to kill Palpatine. So Vader’s love and attachment for Luke and Luke’s love and attachment to Leia save the galaxy. 

So we all learned the valuble lesson that allowing love and attachment isn’t a weakness for Jedi but actually a strength. Luke loved Leia and Anakin, I’m positive he’ll allow other Jedi to follow the same path. Surely he won’t make that same mistake The Jedi Counsel did with this new generation of Jedi, right? Wrong motherfucker. First fucking student, Grogu, is forced to choose between the Beskar armor and a lightsaber. Din Djarin or Jedi. Can’t have both. Two steps forward, three steps back. Hopefully Ahsoka talks some sense into this dumb motherfucker since she witnessed Anakin’s downfall first hand. But judging by the shit she was saying to Mando I highly doubt it. 

I’m not pushing Sith idealogies here. There’s a fine line between love and hate and the Sith use that to endorse the latter. Instead of eradicating all outside attachment I’m merely suggesting that Jedi, who, mind you, meditate for hours a day, to distinguish the difference between the two. 

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