Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Meet America’s Real Life Doc Brown

Salvatore Pais recently found himself on my radar due to this article from science-news. Dr. Pais rose to the forefront of the nerd world earlier this year for his theoretical inventions famously dubbed “The UFO Patents” for the US Navy. One is even rumored to be a “Spacetime Modification Weapon”, which sounds a whole lot like time travel to me. 

A quick wiki search will detail some of Dr. Pais other known patents. They’re a bit science-y but luckily I can translate each patent into terms we can all recognize. 

“A ‘high fractional gravitational wave generator’ that may be used ‘for advanced propulsion, asteroid disruption/deflection, and communications through solid objects.’” = hyperspace jumping and Death Star laser beam. 

“An ‘electromagnetic field generator and method to generate an electromagnetic field.’ The principal stated application of which is to deflect asteroids that may hit Earth. The patent is assigned to the US Secratary of the Navy.” = fuckin forcefields.

“A ‘craft using an inertial mass reduction device’, one embodiment of which could be a high speed ‘hybrid aerospace/undersea craft’ able to ‘engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level’, the patent application for which was supported by The Naval Aviation Enterprise’s chief technical officer on the grounds that the Chinese military were already developing similar technology.” = Millenium Falcon.

“A ‘plasma compression fusion device’ described by ‘Popular Mechanics’ as a ‘compact nuclear fusion reactor’ that ‘seemingly stretches the limits of science.’” = Flux capacitor. 

“A ‘piezoelectricity-induced room temperature superconductor’ with the function of enabling ‘the transmission of electrical power with no losses.’ The Institution of Engineering and Technology commented that no evidence was presented to show that the device worked and that the highest temperature superconductors so far created worked at around -70 *C.” = Shitty AC unit? Not sure about this one but nobody bats a thousand. 

The way I see it, there’s two possibilities. The first one being that none of these things are real and they were  leaked to freak China and Russia the fuck out. The second is they’re all real and a sci-fi type future is within reach. Today, we wonder how the world could have possibly overlooked a mind like Nikola Tesla’s in his time. It’s because Edison was the politician. Stop watching Elon and pay attention to Salvatore Pais. 

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