Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Not Everyone In The Fast & Furious Cast Is Family

We had one of those rare, heartwarming, moments on the internet this weekend with Vin Diesel escorting Paul Walker’s daughter down the isle. Cutting onions, is it getting dusty in here, you know all the lame stops that people pull out during a wholesome internet post. But it was a genuinely nice moment. Time to get back to normal, so please allow me to ruin that. 

Vin Diesel’s character, Dom Toretto, is so obsessed with saying “Family” that it’s become a running Twitter meme. This weekend he put his money where Toretto’s mouth is, and walked his deceased friend’s daughter down the isle. But how extended is his family? Because it sounds like him and Dwayne Johnson hate each other. 

The feud rumors started swirling after Dwayne went full Rock calling out “chicken shits” and “candy asses” in a 2016 Instagram post about people on the Fast Franchise set. “Some male costars conduct themselves as stand up men and true professionals, while others don’t..” He never named Vin Diesel outright, but everyone including Vinny knew he was referring to him. Was The Rock legitimately pissed or was it just a good ol’ fashion promo cut?

The two flirted back and forth for awhile after the gram post. Playing nicey nice while spending that space Lamborghini money. But nothing gets past the internet. People were quick to point out that Vin and Dwayne didn’t appear in any scenes together. The Rock went on to film a Fast spinoff, “Hobbs and Shaw”. No Vin Diesel, only Jason Statham. At least I don’t think he was in it, I didn’t see it. But I can tell you how it went: Hobbs and Shaw got in trouble, they jumped a sports car off a ramp, Rock did the titty dance and they all got away trouble free. After the spinoff, Dwayne Johnson announced he would not be partaking in any more Fast & Furious movies. 

I’m not sure if the announcement brought Vin Diesel out of his cage. Hell, I wish they’d all make that announcement. But VD surfaced in a 2021 Men’s Health article to give his reasoning for the rift between him and the most electrifying man in sport’s entertainment. Essentially, Vin Diesel said that Dwayne was a wrestler and not an actor. “My approach at the time was a lot of tough love to assist in getting that performance to where it needed to be…As a producer to say Ok, we’re going to take Dwayne Johnson who’s associated with wrestling, and we’re going to force this cinematic world, audience members, to regard his character as someone that they don’t know”. 

Two weeks ago Dwayne did a cover story with Vanity Fair. When asked about Diesel’s quote The Rock said he “laughed and laughed hard.”  He went on to explain that he shouldn’t have done it publicly but that he meant what he said. Doubling down, he alleged that nearly every crew member even secretly thanked him for the post. 

So while it was nice to see Vin Diesel step up this weekend, remember that was Vin and not Dom. Dom Toretto doesn’t exist. There is no person who adopts everyone he meets who he’ll go to the ends of the world for. Just a regular guy with both friends and foes, doing something nice for a buddy he lost. Because I f Dom Toretto did exist, he doesn’t give a fuck about my family or he’d stop making these shitty movies that I’m forced to bring my nephews to see.

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