Friday, July 9, 2021

Tristian Thompson Wins Libel Case Against Wannabe Baby Momma

It’s a shame that the Kardashians won’t go on an episode of Maury because the crossover might collapse the internet. In the never ending circus of the Kardashians and everyone associated with them, the newest act comes to us via Tristan Thompson successfully suing Kimberly Alexander who claims that he is the father of her six year old son. 

Alexander was fighting an uphill battle against a family who knows their way around a courtroom. But if the law wasn’t enough to take on, she declared war on science itself. After two separate negative paternity tests, Ms. Alexander overturned the results by simply refusing to accept them. A bold strategy with no precedent. Unfortunately for her, and more unfortunately for her child, the court found Tristian Thompson not to be the father. 

Khloe is also threatening to sue Kimberly for alleged faux DMs that she posted. Khloe denies any contact with her fellow Eskimo sister. Denying paternity tests and counterfeit DMs, this daddy left nothing in the tank. Call Her Baby Momma.

Tristian only won 50k with an annual 10% interest. Claiming losses from endorsements with the false reputation of a man who doesn’t take care of his children. While that probably isn’t that much money to a man of his lifestyle, it was a major win on principality. 

Anchor babies and fake paternities are a growing sociological manipulation issue. Tristian fought the good fight, and hopefully will champion as a deterrent to the next person who decides to use their child as a bargaining chip to climb the social ladder. I’ll pray for her son, but I’m not sure how much good it’ll do. I hope he’s parentally blocked from TMZ until he’s 30. 

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