Wednesday, April 7, 2021

The 27 Club

If you don’t know what the 27 Club is, then what the heck DO you know? The 27 Club is very exclusive, very coveted coalition with only two requirements- you have to be so unbelievably talented and so unbelievably dead.

Some of the accepted members include Jimi Hendrix, Kurt Cobain, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Amy Winehouse. There’s more but these are like the Mount Rushmore of dead 27 year olds. Supremely gifted and taken way before they could express their full potential.

It’s my birthday today, turned 28. Now, I don’t want to die, I really don’t. But if I must, my preferences were 27 or 88. I guess I just wasn’t cool enough for those stuck up pricks in the 27 Club. I spent the whole year not looking both ways, walking with scissors facing up, and getting in with any stranger that would have me. What do I have to show for all my hard work? Still alive. 

Happy birthday to me I guess. I officially have no fame or potential, since God clearly doesn’t think I have the “stuff” to kill me off. But I had a great birthday. More people than I know/like wished me happy birthday, I had dinner with my family in a restaurant I had no business being in, I had beers with my brother and Dad, and the boys made Hoboken plans for this weekend to celebrate. Things are going pretty well so far, even though I didn’t die. 

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