Sunday, April 4, 2021

Fluff Piece

If you didn’t go to The University of Alabama you might not of heard of Luke “Fluff” Ratliff. Fluff was a 23 year old “super fan” for the Crimson Tide basketball program. He passed on Friday due to Covid complications, all of Tuscaloosa is in mourning. 

Fluff gained a following over the past few years. Type “Fluff” into the Twitter bar to see for yourself. It began with his natural knack for leading the student chanting section during the basketball games. His legacy grew from there with his witty tweets and ability to rock the fuck out of his signature plaid blazer. If you caught an Alabama basketball game this year, odds are you saw him on TV. He was shown most games because he basically was a part of this team. 

With Fluff’s passing there has been an outpouring of public affection. NBA players, current players, the Mayor, rival coaches, SEC Network are just some who have tweeted their condolences. Alabama Head Coach, Nate Oats, wrote a touching memorial on Twitter about how none of this feels real. I even got a update on my phone from Bleacher Report.

How is all this possible? It’s a tribute to the optimism and positive outlook on life that Fluff was able to convey in 23 short years. But it’s also a tip of the cap to the collegiate sports world. There is something to be said about the proximity between fan base and team in college. College sports just makes you feel more. For better or for worse in this case. Fluff used to say that his passion for college basketball was rooted in how close and intimate it was. He said college basketball was something tangible, something he could touch. 

Well he touched that world all right. The student body held a memorial service outside Coleman Coliseum encouraged with victory cigars, Budweisers, and whatever fresh ass blazer you could get your hands on. Roll Tide In Peace, Fluff. 

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