Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Should You Bet On The Team You Root For?

Sports gambling has taken on a whole new life in these last couple years. Especially in the states where it’s been legalized. Have you always been able to bet on sports? Duh. But now every Bill, Dick, and Harry thinks they’re a sharp. 

I am not great at any of the things I enjoy most in life. Betting is no exception. I go down, I chip away, I go up, I go down, and the pendulum swings. Like most gamblers I started by placing bets on the teams I’m a fan of. It makes sense, right? They’re the team I’m most intimately in tune with. I know what they are and aren’t capable of better than most. 

But like I said, that’s only how it started. Once it hits the lips it’s hard to turn back. You begin to branch out. You chase that same passion you have when rooting for your team by financially putting skin into random games. Prime time slots, bored in your room, or maybe it was the only game playing at the bar. You start to gamble on other teams. You begin to trust other teams and despise even more. Before you know it, you have a weekly lineup of games you like.

But I’ll tell you what, waging your wallet on a team you don’t care about is much more enjoyable than gambling your soul on a team you love. So much can go wrong betting on your own team. It makes losses sting that much more. Winnings great, sure, but it could also put you in a compromising position. Like last week, when I took Alabama Basketball -3 vs. Houston. Tide won by a point on a buzzer beating block and I screamed in an excitement that lasted all of about four seconds before I realized how much I lost. 

When you bet teams you’re not invested in, what you’re purchasing is passion for that particular game. When watching a team you’re a fan of, there’s no purchase necessary. So should you bet on your own teams? Probably not, but it’s never stopped me before. 

*Please gamble responsibly. If you or someone you know have a gambling problem please call 1-800-GAMBLER. 

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