Wednesday, September 22, 2021

A New American City Is Coming 2030

Fuck yes, new city dropping! It’s been what? A century? Las Vegas was the newest release in 1905, so yeah just over a century. Telosa is will be up and running in either Nevada, Utah, Idaho, Arizona, or Texas by 2030. Definitely copping. 

Unlike traditional cities that blossom organically with people first, city second, Telosa plans on going what I call the “Field Of Dreams” route. Build a city and worry about who’s moving in after. The name Telosa stems from the coined Aristotle term- Te los, which means highest purpose. The city plans on centering itself around education, participatory politics, and sustainable resources. They wish to incorporate their city plan with the surrounding nature so in fifty years when the rest of the world is on fire and dying of thirst they’ll still be chilling. 

So who has the balls to decide to open up a new city? A billionaire, that’s who. You know Marc Lore? The guy who just bought the Timberwolves? Him. Marc made his money by pretty much doing rich person stuff. You know, investing, banking, selling to Amazon for $535 mil, and to Walmart for $3.3 billion. Then I can only assume one day one of his daughters showed him the “Society if _______” meme, and Marc thought, well I could do that. 

No seriously, this is the meme:

And here is Telosa:

Dope ass monorail system. 

Telosa plans to combat humanity’s impending doom with open governing, inclusive housing, new model social services, sustainable energy, and sweet architecture. By taking the best attributes of their favorite cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Stockholm, Marc Lore plans to make Telosa the new blueprint for future urban living. Their goal is to have five million people in the city forty years from now. Which would make Telosa the second most populated city in the US behind only NYC. 

It’s not impossible to do a pop-up city. Dubai did it. But you have to have some selling points. Some of my favorites include eliminating the traffic epidemic through futuristic public transportation, autonomous cars and free flights above the city. Technology driven stadiums to attract professional sports teams, (Hello Telosa Timberwolves). City planning focused on getting “anything you need” within 15 minutes. Underground deliveries and garbage/recycling. Renewable materials and zero carbon emissions. Public and private incubators and accelerators, whatever those are.  
A new city is so exciting. So many firsts. A chance to be one of those old founding families of a city is just too enticing. There’s just so many awesome unknown variables. Like Telosa is planning to build a community college and University. What if Telosa University becomes a powerhouse in college football? Watching a city from birth is so exciting. 
Plus how pissed off is Musk? He’s so busy trying to terraform and colonize Mars that he never thought about doing it to a desert. It was so simple that he never even considered it. 
I’m one of the first 7,000 people to follow Telosa on Instagram so I’m pretty sure that automatically reserves my spot. Might even guarantee me a penthouse. Does it have FyreFest potential? Sure, but that’s not going to stop me. Flying cars, AIs, high speed monorails, and technology driven housing? I have a love for all things sci-fi which is a shame, because I’m always afraid I’ll die of a heart attack before I can see it come to fruition. So if I get a chance to expedite the future, you can bet your ass I’m gonna take it. TKJ, Telosa resident 2030.

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