Monday, February 8, 2021

We All Need To Chill Out With Greta Thunberg

I mean, come on. Grown ass man burning her face off? How far is too far? Probably this. I don’t know the exact politics behind this but is it really necessary for India to go to war with an 18 year old? People treat her like she’s an international politician. Like she’s a prime minister or something. She’s a child with a Twitter account. 

Greta, Greta, Greta, what’re we going to do with you. Apparently Greta had a big oopsie when she accidentally Tweeted a list of “suggested posts” she was given about the Indian farmer’s revolt. This sparked a conversation about how many of Greta’s progressive ideals were her own, and how many were handed to her by people with their own agendas. Who knows? Who cares. People listen to her and if she can make a little coin off her Twitter, then good on her. Don’t hate the player. Disclaimer: I know nothing about this Indian farmer’s revolt or the impact Greta has had on it.

In my perfect world, Greta is a con artist. She was 15 when she came into the limelight. How’d she get famous you ask? Greta skipped school to raise awareness for climate control. Absolute genius. What 15 year old doesn’t want to skip school? I hope she had a big project due that she left to the last minute and said “You know what, I won’t be able to hand this in because the worlds on fire. See ya never”. Then playing hooky snowballs and now you get fire face in India. If that’s the case, Greta is probably sitting somewhere thinking she might have bit off more than she can chew.

But like I said, who knows. I’m not saying don’t take her seriously, but just chill out on the riots and the Twitter pitchforks. She’s still a kid. Greta has a clear pathway to a political future if that’s what she wants. If that’s her goal, best of luck. If that isn’t her intention and she’s being shoved into the world’s biggest problems, then get out now Greta. If you catch it quick enough we won’t have to watch your VH1 docuseries on the childhood you weren’t able to reclaim. 

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