Thursday, July 7, 2022

Poor Eddie Lacy Is Still Being Trolled For His Weight On Twitter

Will you ever leave my man alone. Eddie Lacy hasn’t stepped on a football field in five years and he’s still taking ricochets on Twitter about his eating habits. At this point his diet is between him and his cardiologist. Look at this dickhead.

For fucks sake. No disrespect to the young man in the photo but god damn. Eddie got bigger, but I’m not sure he was ever big. He just had a bad publicist. That picture of him that went viral when he looked like that debunked Bigfoot photo wasn’t great. But it was a TERRIBLE angle. Any bigger fella knows never get caught lacking on a turnaround shot. That side profile makes everything worse. Scrunches everything.

Alright it’s worse than I remember but still. Now that he’s not being paid the gloves are off and Eddie was able to call out @RichAlfanoPGA. “ur shaped more like who that is then i am”. First of all, almost certainly not in the PGA. Secondly, glass houses pal.

Good hit Eddie, good hit. You tell moobie boy! The peanut gallery started chirping in and resurfaced a tweet of Lacy’s stating, “I just remembered that I’m sitting in class wit a whole grilled snack wrap in my pocket lol”. Ok and? Read it again, GRILLED snack wrap. That’s healthy, find a new slant. Besides, whomst among us can cast the first stone for a little pocket wrap? Thankfully Eddie didn’t take this lying down.

Yeszir! Scoreboard biotch. Yeah he had Mickey D’s in his pocket but he also had two rings on his fingers. You must’ve forgot. Besides his three college championships, Eddie Lacy also had a Pro bowl appearance, 24 touchdowns, and 2,317 rushing yards in his first two seasons in the NFL. Show some respect. 

It’s my personal theory that the Packers were paying Aaron Rodgers too much money and that Eddie was just the first back to fall victim to their new model. They run guys into the ground on their rookie contracts so that when it’s time to pay them there’s too much tread on the tires. Eddie Lacy/Jamal Williams, Jamal Williams/Aaron Jones, Aaron Jones/AJ Dillon. Eddie was so good in the beginning that the Packers must’ve leaked pictures of him looking fat so they didn’t have to pay him. Still, he doesn’t do himself any favors.

Eddie looks great right now. Fighting shape even. But you just can’t be wearing a ramen shirt and ramen pants when people blame Chinese food for your demise. China food took everything from you, but you just can’t quit it. Damn it I’ve never related to anything more in my life.

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