Monday, February 14, 2022

The Barstool Bama Instagram Viceroy Needs To Transfer

Whatever freshman is running this Instagram account needs to be dangled by their little piggies from the roof of Rounders until they squeal for mercy. Yesterday before the Super Bowl, some idiot had the gall to post a picture of whogivesashit with the caption, “It’s Joe Sheisty’s world and we’re all just living in it.” Excuse me? Are you aware this is an Alabama account, sir? People have been expelled for less. 

I’m not exaggerating when I say I hate this person.

This post had me googling if you can fire someone who isn’t being paid. Which might sound extreme but trust me, it was the most humane punishment I came up with. 

The good people of Alabama haven’t been getting arrested on COPS yelling “Roll Tide!” in a pair of silver bracelets for decades only for some out-of-state vest wearing douchebag with perfectly manicured hair to roll over and let LSU pat our belly under an Alabama banner. You are not our champion, you do not speak for us. This disgusting display of cowardice should be enough to make you leave the school. If you love Joe Burrow so much why don’t you marry him?

Do you understand what this man did to us? It’s been three years since LSU beat us in Bryant-Denney and I literally had to argue last night that Alabama would have beat them if Tua wasn’t two weeks removed from ankle surgery. On one leg he still kept the Tide right there in a 46-41 loss. Do you even know what they’re talking andouille sausage of a coach said in our locker room after that loss? All because of your precious “Joe Sheisty”! You should be ashamed of yourself. 

The last time Nick Saban’s angelic face graced the Barstool Bama Instagram page was on December 14th, 2021. In that time we’ve spanked Cincinnati and gone to a National Championship. How is it even possible not to post Saban since then? Oh but I have a grand idea, let’s post us sucking Joe Burrow’s dick. 

This is what happens when you don’t let the band play Dixie. These little punks don’t even know, “FUCK AUBURN….AND LSU…” You see that second part? Underline it three times and burn it into the back of your skull. 

Look, I don’t want to hound too much on a potential eighteen year old who’s just trying to make a name for themselves, but they should be kicked out of the country. This post actually has me questioning the entire First Ammendment. At the very least, this Tigers fan in Bama clothing should be stripped of their student package next year. 

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