Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Nick Saban Confirms He’s Never Going To Retire

Best Coach in CFB history, seven National Championships, leader of men, international sex icon. I’m secure enough to admit that I’ll probably cry when Nick Saban retires. Do I put too much of my personal well being and happiness into a football program? No, I don’t think put enough. Life without Nick Saban will be an empty abyss. I’m glad to hear he agrees

“Everyone asks me when I wanna retire. Retire from what? I’m gonna jump into an empty abyss of ‘What am I gonna do?’ The very challenges that I talk about and the things in our profession that concern me- for you and for me both in your game and our game- that’s what keeps me going. That’s why I get up every day. That’s why I can’t sleep at night sometimes. Why would you quit doing that? I haven’t figure that one out yet.” -Nick Saban at the Alabama Football Coaches Association clinic. 

This isn’t the first time Saban has talked about the inevitable. In a 2015 interview with Paul Finebaum Saban said he has at least sixteen years left. His logic was that his mother hit a hole in one golfing when she was eighty, so there’s no reason he can’t still be coaching. 

If you’re wondering if Nick Saban is slowing down, look no further. The whole coaching world is coddling their players with the generation change. That’s how you get Brian Kelly doing his weird Buffalo Bill dance with that recruit. So what does Saban do? Zigs while everybody zags. He publicly called out our young recievers for shitting the bed during the National Championship. Ultimately laying the blame at their whiny feet. And he’s God damn right. 

Every single video that Saban has been in since the National Championship loss has had so much fire and passion in it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. He smiled way too much last season. Now the man wants his pound of flesh. 

I’m trying to appreciate Saban in real time. He has me fired up for college football at the end of February for chrissakes. I’m not going to know what to do when he’s gone. Maybe I shouldn’t worry so much. At his rate and my rate I probably won’t even be around to see it. 

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