Monday, December 20, 2021

Play For The Crimson Tide, Where The Boys Have Your Back

When an Alabama football player has a request, the Tide faithful are always willing to answer the call. No matter how tall the order. So when starting left guard, Javion Cohen reached out to Twitter in an effort to get the attention of this years’s Homecoming Queen the interactions flooded in.

But this is no ordinary Homecoming Queen. This is softball phenom and Tuscaloosa’s darling, Montana Fouts. The same Montana who stole hearts and strikezones in the past two seasons for the Crimson Tide. This is 27-4, 1.61 era, 24 complete games, 349 strikeouts in the 2021 season, Montana Fouts. The two-time All-American, two-time First Team, 2019 SEC Freshman Of The Year, 2021 SEC Tourney MVP, 2021 Pitcher Of The Year winner, herself. 

Sounds like a Ric Flair introduction, but you get the idea. The support on Twitter piled up. Tag after tag of @MontanaFouts piled up in the replies. Including encouraging messages like these: 

@andrew_dunn1994: “Hey man thanks for letting me borrow the family yacht this weekend fam, we had fun”


@DillonMoore28: “Aye bro thanks for rescuing me and my family from that burning building in time to make the ride to Atlanta and win the Sec championship” 

Well apparently we misread the situation. Javion, always the gentleman, responded in kind with the overwhelming amount of replies with the following tweet:

“ima shooter with no weapon”, borderline Shakespearean. We have since received an update that Montana, not one to let the Crimson Tide family down, reached out to Javion to sign something for his sister just in time for the holidays. And you better keep your mouth shut about it, don’t ruin the surprise.

Now I ask you. Does this feel like a team, a fanbase, a city, that seems worried about Cincinnati? Of course not. Merry Christmas and Roll Tide. 

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