Tuesday, December 7, 2021

What I’m Most Excited For Since Joining The Metaverse

Ok so technically the Metaverse hasn’t launched yet but I bought an Oculus Quest 2 and that’s the first step. For anyone living under a rock, The Metaverse is the next phase in the internet’s evolution. A virtual universe running parallel to our reality. Spearheaded at the moment by Facebook, the Metaverse will change the way we socialize, shop, entertain, and even work. 

We are on the ground floor. We’re at the stage that Atari was at when they invented Pong. You know, that stupid game where the rectangle goes up and down to block the ball from going in the little slot. Almost like virtual air hockey but not fun. Fast forward to today and I can play as an assassin scaling the Great Pyramid of Giza with graphics so good it tricked my Dad into thinking it was a movie. Imagine how far VR will advance in that time frame. 

Which is crazy because the floor is already insanely high. I set up my Oculus today. Set my home as a God damn spaceship orbiting some distant planet. It’s stunning. I played a game that had ninjas trying to kill me going in and out of slow motion like I was Neo in the Matrix, and watched a YouTube video that made the screen look like it was an iMax movie theater. 

I’m still exploring, but it’s easy to understand why Evil Emporer Zurg was confident in changing his universally known brand of “Facebook” to “Meta”. They have something. Where will it go from here? It’s internet 2.0. Not since the introduction of the WorldWideWeb has there been this much potential on a new frontier. Here’s what I’m most excited for in the future. 

If I had the capital, I would visit every single country in the world. Now seeing something virtually will never hold a candle to the real thing, but it’s a damn good substitute. Always wanted to see the Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China, Christ The Redeemer? Strap on a pair of goggles and see the Wonders of the World from the comfort of your couch in real dimensions. Maybe you don’t have the cash right now. Or maybe your elderly parent/grandparent who’s no longer capable of traveling would like to see their home country again. Or maybe there’s a wedding or graduation of a loved one that you can’t attend due to finances or health. Miss nothing. The Metaverse will give you the tools to see the entire world without even having to move your feet. 

Just because you don’t have to leave your couch doesn’t mean you have to be dormant. For me, one of the worst parts of going for a run or to the gym is the possibility of seeing someone I know. Why would I want someone to witness me out of breath, puffy, red and sweating? With partnerships like Peleton or probably a “smart” treadmill if that’s an invention yet, you can run or ride through the streets of Tokyo or Amsterdam to get your cardio in.

During the pandemic people fell head over heels with working from home. The Metaverse will provide a space where work comes to you. Virtual meetings, everyone having an office with a view of their choosing, and your entire career comfortably at your fingertips. 

But think bigger. Like Ender’s Game bigger. You might’ve read it in school but Ender’s Game is a book where they teach children the art of warfare in space through the use of games and simulation. The Metaverse is the perfect environment to learn high stakes skills with zero responsibility for mistakes. Say for instance, flying an airplane, or being an astronaut. If you’re in a world where you can learn next level skills adapting in real time to possible problems or difficult scenarios without any risk of danger. We could all be pilots. The possibilities are endless. 

Schools as we knew them, will be dead. Possibly with good reason. Imagine a future where schools teach their children with virtual reality goggles instead of chalkboards and erasers. You could mix chemicals or conduct dissections in Science. In Math you could team up to engineer skyscrapers together. History could bring you back to walk the battlefields of World War II, explore Versailles during the reign of King Louis XIV, or participate in the Boston Tea Party. Revolution is coming. 

This might sound like an oxymoron but it’s already taken off. That’s why people are snatching up NFTs to hang up in their non-existent virtual living rooms to impress future guests with their rare virtual art collection. The Metaverse will be social media on steroids. Augmented reality will be the next addition to the Metaverse. Quick aside, think of virtual reality as putting on goggles and seeing only that universe and augumented reality as the glasses Iron Man gives Spider-Man. See reality with technological additions. Imagine walking down the street and your group chat pops up in your glasses to vote for the restaurant you’ll eat at. Menus can pop up as you walk past restaurants with reviews and ratings. A hybrid world where we can see the imprints people leave behind for impressions, advice, or instruction. 

Obviously today I was watching YouTube and fighting ninjas so the entertainment aspect has already begun. But there is so much room to grow. Gaming, watching TV/movies, and sports will change forever. The first video game I ever owned was Pokémon Red on a Nintendo Gameboy. It was pixelated, glitchy, and fucking mind blowing. But imagine a Pokémon game in virtual reality, where Charizard actually looks 7ft tall and blows fire at your face. I think we’re not far away from a movie or TV show where you’re the main character and the plot goes through your POV. The Metaverse will drop you into an immersive 360° storyline where you’re the hero. No tickets to the World Series? No problem. Place a bet in the Metaverse and turn your couch into backstop seats. Sit front row and witness sports history without having to take out a home equity loan. Watching sports in the Metaverse might be expensive at first but once the novelty wears off I fully expect it to be like a cable package. Remember when we used to have like 60 channels and now basic cable comes with like 600? It’ll be the same concept. 

Autosurgeons have long been a staple in sci-fi based literature. Imagine the greatest minds of the generation able to perform surgeries and operations from the opposite of the world. Consultations no longer require waiting rooms with year-old magazines and booger sneezing zombies. Doctors around the world could share information, theories, and new experiments with interactive maps of different organs that rotate, enlarge, and dissect. The Metaverse could save lives. Unlock the mysteries of Alzheimer’s! Find a cure to cancer! This is how humanity grows. We’ll come together to build a world where new advancements will push the boundaries of life itself. 


We kind of fucked up the first internet. We had good intentions and it shows signs of promise here and there but it’s an otherwise unhappy place. The Metaverse is our chance to hit the reset button and build a parallel universe built on morales, charity, and goodwill. 

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