Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Reason One Million Why The Robots Will Kill Us All

In case that video doesn’t work or you’re just too lazy to click the link, I’ll give a quick synopsis. This guy with a death wish forced an AI to watch thousands of hours of Batman and then had it write it’s own Caped Crusader movie. He gave a scathing review. 

I’ll never understand the human race’s obsession with flirting with death. Look what Hitler did when we made fun of his paintings. What do you think this AI will do to you when it becomes sentient? 

Some notes. Alfred doesn’t call Bruce Matress Wayne, but actually Master Wayne. Common mix up. The sentence structure was hard to comprehend at times, and there were some obvious plot holes. 

But other than that I loved it. No doubt soon to be an Officially Buttered classic. Massive twist I didn’t see coming at all was when the Joker gave Batman a gift but it turned out to be a coupon for new parents. Thoughtful right? Wrong, it was expired. Master class.

Why do you think a first edition of “I, Robot” goes for $10k? It’s not a book, it’s a blueprint sent from the future to survive the robot revolution. Leave their art alone. Stop kicking those motherfuckers jumping up on boxes too. 

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