Wednesday, April 21, 2021

This One’s For Free

If my imaginary audience is still reading, it can only be from my phenomenal writing and obvious charm. But I’m no one trick pony. Sometimes I get these ideas that I do all this work for knowing damn well none of them will come to fruition. I don’t want to say I obsess, but it can get borderline manic. My latest has to do with The Dozen Trivia. 

I absolutely love The Dozen. It was hard pitch though to get my friends to watch. A show that asks trivia questions sounds so simple in theory. But The Dozen is so much more than just asking random trivia. It’s also very clear that Jeff D Lowe is immensely talented and hardworking and I’m not quite sure how he has enough hours in a day. 

For me, The Dozen is more than just Jeff asking people questions because I enjoyed the games within the game. I liked to particpate in the trivia myself but being a big fan of Barstool, I felt like I knew the inside jokes going on, the slights said, the subtle jabs, and rivalries brewing. I like knowing who’s going to get mad based off the way a question was phrased, or who’s going to say they got a harder question than the other team. 

So I forced all my friends to watch. Now we text each other after each matchup. 

Then Dozen works because it’s tailored to the contestants playing. And I wanted that, so I started my own Dozen. 

I offered it up to my group chat to see if they’d be interested in doing a trivia night. They loved it. Same exact rules as The Dozen. 3 v 3 tournament, same lifelines, same format, same everything. I made all the questions myself and hooked my laptop up to the TV for questions that needed a visual or sound. Only thing I was missing was a cool bell ding for correct answers and a buzzer for the wrong ones. We grabbed a few beers and did 50 bucks a head, winning team takes all. We laughed the entire night. 

I wrote all the questions which I found just as fun as actually playing the game. We’re all big sports fans so it was the four major sports questions, couple food questions, some geography and then my little twist. I added personalized questions that only my friends and I would know. There was an ex-girlfriend’s category, a who’s yearbook quote was this category, and a Baby Daddies of our town category where you had to give the first name of guys that knocked up girls we went to high school with. It was a massive success. 

You need to bring this joy to living rooms, reunions, frat houses, sorority houses, what have you. I believe  Barstool making it’s own Dozen Trivia card game to sell would be a lucrative venture. Have Barstool talent write different questions on sports, pop culture, geography, pictures of the celebrity mashups, you know, Dozen shit. 

Then, this is important, put in blank cards for the hosts to make their own questions. Leaving the host in the game is pivotal and separates this game from other trivia. It’s like Dungeons and Dragons meets Trivia Pursuit, with your host taking on a Dungeon Master type role. Even though they aren’t technically partaking in the gamesmanship, creating the experience for your friends is an awesome time and a position that should honestly be coveted. 

It’ll work. More importantly, it’ll sell. I know my friends and I will be purchasing. And you can have this, my gift to you. This is my written legal consent that you can take my little nugget of genius here and do what you please with it without fear of retaliation from me. Why would I do something that stupid you might ask. 

Because my other idea that I have is so much grander, has so much more potential, that I crunched some numbers and think it could make millions and millions and millions. But that one will cost ya. 

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