Sunday, January 27, 2019

Do you call him daddy?

                                               Image result for nick saban hugging

I am sick and tired of the narrative of Nick Saban as the hard ass tough guy coach. Recently the comparisons between Saban's "old school approach" and Dabo's religious day camp of a program have people dragging the good name of our patriarch through the mud.
There's a video thats gone southernly viral recently on Saban stressing the importance of individual coaching and the impact of one-on-one relationships in the locker room between coaches and players.

For those of you too lazy to watch a two minute video Jolly Ol St. Nick goes on to say "They weren't my guys for three years, four years they are my guys forever. Thats the way we all should feel about what we do. Because we have responsibility and obligation to help these guys, they need us. I mean how many guys do you coach that have two parents at home? How many guys do you coach that don't have any parents at home? So, you know, thats us. Thats who we are. That's what we need to take responsibility for and be there."

Now I love my parents to death but if Saban wanted to be my father figure or even say, adopt me, I couldn't sign the dotted line fast enough. That's why guys like Trent Richardson come back to play on the scout team after things didn't work out in the NFL. Compassion. 

Now he also goes on to get a dig on the plethora of coaches who again, decided to use the Alabama program as a coaching rehab to further their own selfish endeavors. Coach Lock OC, Josh Gattis Co-OC, Brent Key OL coach, Tosh Lupoi, and Dan Enos QB coach to name a couple. Saban explained that the difference in this year's team, *cough* who just lost a national title to Clemson *cough*, is that coaches didn't make strides in having personal relationships with the players. Message is pretty clear, if you want to coach here, you have to stay long enough to form a special bond with our guys. Assistants come and assistants go, that's the life we chose as Tide fans. Rest assured though, Nick's making a list and he's checking it twice. 

So there's your friendly reminder not to give into the rat poison that is the media. That Nick Saban every year invites coaches from the state to come and learn at a coaching seminar that he hosts out of the kindness of his heart. That he's the type of coach that hugs even his PUNTER so tight when he graduates (pictured above) that it looks like he never wants to let go. You can tell me he breaks headphones on the side lines, or chews out dudes so hard that it looks like the vein in his head is gunna burst. That he's some angry man that's never satisfied with what he's given, but I'll never see it. Different perspectives I suppose. Deaf people think you're screaming when you yawn. 

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