Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Yankees Don’t Buy Players But I Wish They Would

I’m in a three person group chat with a Sox and Mets fan so I’m often left defending myself from a two pronged attack. It’s always the same cliche throwaway insults during this time of year. “Yankees fans think they can sign everyone”, “Yankees have to buy their championships” “blah blah blah”. They hear each other say it so much that they never stopped to realize that it really isn’t true. 

Ok so there’s Gerrit Cole, I recognize that. But 300 mil is the new 200 mil, right? Plus the Mets went out and gave stinky Lindor like a gazillion dollars. So whatever. But outside of Cole, that’s pretty much it. 

Last year we signed a thirty four Corey Kluber to one year 11 million. Not exactly breaking the bank. We also initially signed a LeMahieu that nobody wanted to a two year 24 million dollar contract. 

Outside of those three players, who in the Yankees starting rotation or lineup was “bought”? No one that’s who. 

Gary Sanchez came up through the farm. Voit traded for. Rizzo traded for. Got Gleyber and Ursela in a trade. Judge drafted. Stanton traded for. Gardner drafted. Joey Gallo traded for. German came up through the farm. Jordan Montgomery and Nestor Cortes were drafted. Jameson Taillon traded for. 

But but but Yankees always buy All Stars! No they don’t. They’re much more likely to to trade for an All Star and that’s another team’s fault, not ours. So tell Stroman to shut his bitch ass up. 

But I wish we would buy all the all stars. I wanted Bryce Harper and Manny Machado. Go crazy. I was promised a fully operational Death Star and what I got was Brian Cashman with a claw machine laser pointer. In the words of Tyrion Lannister, “I wish I was the monster you think I am.” 

I reserve the right to rescind this entire blog if the Yankees sign Seager/Kershaw/Freeman/Scherzer. 

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