Monday, September 13, 2021

Chad Ochocinco Wants To Pee On Jeudy

Who knew that jellyfish stings and high ankle sprains had so much in common? During Ochocinco’s 10 year career, he played in 150 out of a possible 160 games. Who am I to question his methods on staying healthy? I’ve broken my foot three times, never pissed on it once.

I don’t know how Ochocino came to the conclusion that urine cures all ailnesses. I don’t think it was anything holistic. Guys are just dumb I think? If I got a bad jellyfish sting I would 100% have someone pee on it without knowing any of the science or succession rate. I just heard that peeing on stings works once when I was a kid and accepted it as gospel. I think if a guy is in any kind of pain long enough, another guy in the room will just shrug and go, “Has anybody tried peeing on it yet?”

That being said, I think Jeudy needs to accept. I was very excited for my former Alabama classmate to have a breakout season. I was all in on Jeudy this year after Xavien Howard said no one had ever spun him like Jeudy did and Richard Sherman compared his first step to Davante Adams. My prediction appeared to be paying off with Jeudy having a quick six receptions and seventy-two yards about halfway through the game. Then it happened. 

His leg fell off. Watching ankle injuries makes my blood run cold but I can’t look away. When they slowed down the replay of his ankle getting trapped and rolled, I covered my ears for some reason. Like that was gonna help? For the optics, high ankle sprain isn’t that bad. Considering I thought he was going to have to leave his ankle on the 15 yard line. 

Let Chad pee on it. What’s the worst that can happen? Best case you shorten that time table. Worst case, you get a little pee pee foot. One tiny suggestion, if you’re gonna let Ochocinco pee on your foot, make a safe word first. I don’t have any evidence to back this up, but I know that guys into some shit. 

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