Thursday, April 15, 2021

Steak-umms Has Beef

In a sea of mindless trash that is “Brand Twitter”, one company stands alone as a breath of fresh air with its legitimate thoughtful insight. I’m speaking of course of the Steak-umm Twitter handle. Yes, that Steak-umm. Brand Twitter is overrun by memes, outplayed jokes, and recycled content. But while everyone is zigging, Steak-umms is zagging by dropping some serious wisdom. Don’t believe me? Check some of these out.

Steak-ums (I can’t believe I’m saying this) has a refreshing way of offering insight while being up front about their whole schtick. At the end of the day they’re trying to sell you something and this is how they stick out. Worked on me, I forgot how bangin steak-umms are. Is the meat made of cow utters? Yeah probably, but if you’re too good for a steak-umms cheesesteak then go shit in your hand. 

Steak-umms latest slingshot into the limelight came in the form of some Twitter beef. They came for a common enemy of mine, that wet sock Neil Degrasse Tyson. Most people with three names are dicks. Here are the tweets in question.

Clearly Steak-umms has had enough of Neil’s shit. Everyone should, Neil’s an asshole. He constantly interrupts every single person that interviews him because of his god complex. He’s so self absorbed that he thinks no one could ever be saying something smarter than him so he doesn’t let anyone else speak. Google it. I’ve been done with Neil for five years now, all because he tweeted “Sometimes I wonder if we’d have flying cars by now had civilization spent a little less brain energy contemplating Football.” To which I responded something along the lines of: hey idiot, we have flying cars they’re just called airplanes. Might not seem like much but trust me it was a viscious burn for 2016. But enough about me. 

It’s important to clarify that I don’t think this was a political stance by our protagonist. I think that Steak-umm was simply pointing out that the beauty of science is that it actually isn’t a definitive “true”, but rather something that is perpetually evolving. It sounds like an oxymoron but science “facts” are being disproven every day. For probably the most recognizable scientist in the world to state that all science is true could be a reckless thing to say. Who better to let NDT hear it than the king? Plus they just don’t like Neil which is funny. Check out this killshot from 2018.

For rare Twitter sagacity consider giving @Steak-umm a follow. Yeah they use big words that no one knows sometimes to make themselves seem smart but I feel like that works. It’s a good follow. Ironically enough, the product that gives me diarrhea every time I eat it is now my go-to for advice on slowing everything down to really think things out. 

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