Monday, February 22, 2021

Cam Newton Take From Not A Patriots Fan

Jseth Owens, the kid who torched Cam Newton at his own camp, was dragged through Twitter yesterday. Jseth recieved criticizing Tweets from the likes of Isiah Thomas, Leonard Fournette, Jason Whitlock, and more. 6’10”, 270 lbs Kendrick Perkins basically threatened to fight him on a public forum. This kids a junior in high school, 17 at best. And you know what? It was fuckin funny. 

The fact that this kid who has never played a single snap of college ball told a former NFL MVP that he’s ass is pure observational comedy. Does nobody remember being 17 anymore? Shock value jokes is all the rage at that age. Remember that one kid in the class that would roast the teacher to the point that you were scared to laugh? This is like that on steroids. This kid is quite obviously the class comedian, and this was probably his only chance to ever clown a former MVP. So he took it. 

Was it disrespectful? Probably. But that’s what we’re doing now? Getting mad at 17 year olds for being ....17? My favorite is the “I would’ve beat the shit out of this kid” crowd. Um sick tough guy? We get it, you were the model of morality in high school and you can beat up upperclasmen now. Jseth was clearly trying to be funny. It didn’t land for most people and I understand that, but I’ll always defend the right to try and make a joke. 

Cam handled it wrong I don’t care what anyone says. People are praising him for not blasting this kid in the face? I have also never fought a child where’s my parade? I’m not saying I would’ve handled it any better than Cam, I probably wouldn’t have. I’m just saying he could’ve handled it better. I’ve been on the wrong side of a proper roast more times than I can remember. The only way to win a roast off is to one-up the last insult. Cam wasn’t ready, had nothing in the chamber. At that point he should’ve A) pulled the kid aside one on one and asked him why he’s acting like that or B) said if you want to act like that you’ll be asked to leave my camp. It’s over then, you’ve shown you’re the grown up. But no, you already lost when you start bragging “I’m rich” to a HS junior. Now you get hit with a “you about to be poor” and you’re down 0-2. But it’s easy to be a Monday morning camp Quarterback. 

I just wish Jseth didn’t apologize today. I get it, and it was the right move, but how funny would it have been if he addressed the “you could’ve learned something from Cam and his valuable time” crowd by saying “Why would I want to learn anything from Cam? He’s ass”. Twitter would’ve exploded. God, a double down would’ve made this kid such a legend. 

I get dragged by kids even younger than Jseth constantly on Fortnite. They told me I was ass daily and I won’t even mention the things they said they did to my poor mother. So I switched to Call of Duty, a game I’ve been playing since I was their age so I could dominate them. Cause fuck them kids. So if Cam feels so disrespected for being called ass, maybe stop being so ass? Cause 8 throwing touchdowns to 10 interceptions on a full season is 100% ass. 

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