I am 26 years old and I have never voted. I never plan on voting and that makes people really really angry. When I tell people I don't vote my hands down favorite response to come out of their twisted up face is "But, but, but it's your right to vote!" Yeah, do you know what else is my right? My right to not fucking vote. Both are rights, one is not more of a right than the other. Don't lecture me on what my rights are to fit your opinion on what I should do with myself.
Admittedly, I don't know shit about politics. I know that Democrats are always whining and that Republicans are kind of dicks. Why would I want a say about a subject I know nothing about. Politicians use big numbers, made up percentages, and regurgitated statistics to get people to argue about things they know nothing about. I work in a field that is traditionally Republican. They like to talk politics and side eye me when I don't throw in my two cents. I'm not an idiot who can't read headlines, so I'll drop a snarky remark on a current event to convince my co-workers that I'm Republican. On the flip side, most of my college friends and roommates were Democrats. Whenever they felt scholarly and argued politics I would do the same exact strategy but to give the impression that I'm a Democrat. Wanna know why? Because I don't give a shit.
I am an avid sports fan. I argue about my teams whether I know I'm right or wrong because I love my team. I'll say they're good when they aren't. I'll turn a blind eye to immoral decisions made by the franchise. I'll go to bat for every team I'm a fan of because I love to argue and I love sports. At the end of the day though, they're playing a fucking game. Think for a minute and try to wrap your head around being a fan of decision making. Thats all it is really. One party makes decisions like this and the other makes decisions like that. You have to stick to an automated answer on controversial questions and topics that are constantly coming out with new research and vantage points. The cockiness of telling someone they can't change their stance on something based off the way they vote is astounding.
So you mean to tell me that I have to choose a person to run a whole damn country and then I have to blindly agree with every single decision they make for the next four years? I don't even agree with half the decisions I make for myself over a four year span. Do you know when my life changed after a Democratic or Republican decision? Cause I don't. My life has pretty much stayed the same no matter who was in the White House. My life changes when I fuck up. When I make a bad decision, or a good one.
I promise you that any election that I never participated in wouldn't have been swayed to a different outcome if I had voted Democrat or Republican. (I'm so out of the political world that I can't even remember if you're supposed to capitalize "Democrat" and "Republican" but I've been doing it throughout this blog anyway.) Believe me, I see the flaw in my logic. If everyone thought the way that I did then nobody would ever vote and democracy would crumble before our very eyes. If that day ever comes I promise you that I will vote and be the lone American to elect the president each term. So take your opinions about my opinion and shove it up your ass.