Thanks to HBO's Leaving Neverland documentary, anti-pedophilia is very in season right now. Now, you might be wondering, shouldn't it always be hip to not like pedophiles? And I agree but apparently that isn't always the case.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you think I forgot? Is it still too soon? Do I have to wait 10 years after his death like Oprah did to say, "Hey this guy that everyone loved did really shitty things?" Paterno might not have committed the act himself but do you know who wasn't anti-pedophilia in 2001? Joe Pa. HBO paid a lot of money to remind you that Michael Jackson was actually a piece of shit. Here's a reminder on Joe Paterno for free.
In the Jerry Sandusky police report, assistant coach, Mike McQueary claimed that he personally told Coach Paterno that he saw Jerry in the shower with a young boy. McQueary alleges that Paterno sat back in his chair with his eyes welling up with tears, and told him that this is the "second complaint of that nature" in regards to Jerry Sandusky. Oh wah fucking wah old man. You know who else's eyes have probably welled up with tears? Oh I don't know maybe the ten children that were raped by a grown man on your watch. Three more boys were raped by Sandusky following McQueary's confrontation of 2001.
After McQueary blew his whistle on this whole program, Paterno was stammering around with quotes on how much he knew. Under oath Paterno was asked if he knew of anything prior to the 2001 allegation and this was his response: "I do not know of anything else that Jerry would be involved in of that nature, no. I do not know of it. You did mention, I think you said something about a rumor. It may have been discussed in my presence, something else about somebody." Well what the fuck does that mean? You did hear a rumor about Sandusky? You heard a rumor about somebody else molesting minors? What the fuck are you talking about? A year later in an interview with Sally Jenkins Paterno went on to say he "had no inkling" of the twisted shit Uncle Jerry was up to. Yet when Penn State canned his ass in 2011 he ended his statement with "I wish I had done more." How can you do more for something you had no inkling of?

Then came the Freeh Report, post mortem. Louis Freeh is a former FBI Director hired to investigate the Sandusky case and Penn State's involvement. Among his findings, Freeh exposed emails from Penn State's AD who stated "I touched base with Coach" regarding a 1998 molestation allegation. Could this be the other complaint that McQueary claims Paterno heard about? Tim Curley, the athletic director, testified that he and Paterno had a conversation about the '98 incident and he later plead guilty to misdemeanor child endangerment. The Paterno family denied Freeh's findings and even planned to sue but later dropped the lawsuit. Hmmm *BBM thinking face*.
Following Paterno's firing, thousands of Penn State students flooded the streets in protest. Hundreds of them found themselves outside of Joe Pa's house chanting his name. He eventually confronted the student body and gave a speech on how much he loves the students and the program. Paterno went on to say that he has 17 grandchildren and that him and his wife pray for them every night and that he's going to start praying for the victims. Those kids didn't need your fucking prayers old man. They needed someone to protect them. Where the fuck was your Christianity when pedophile rumors were brought to your desk? I hope you have to play the SEC in hell.
Penn State eventually took down Joey's statue outside of Beaver Stadium. They fenced it up and drew up blue tarp so no one could witness the act. They should've toppled it like Saddam's statue in Baghdad.
Look, I know Paterno is very dead. But this isn't some cheap shot. Michael Jackson had more money than God to protect the allegations made against him. Jerry Sandusky had Joe Pa. So if you're a Nittany Lion planning on watching Leaving Neverland so you can tweet your brave stance on being against child molestation, don't. Not until you've denounced Joe Paterno.